Because they can’t wear ski jackets and snow pants

Posted on February 1, 2013 in Dairy Performance
By Ann Hoskins It’s cold out there.  No doubt about it.  Your calves are noticing it too. Just like you put on multiple layers of clothing before you head outside in the winter, your calves need to “bundle up” when it gets cold. What’s more, their “winter outfits” need to be dry and clean to

Now’s the time to focus on employee management

Posted on January 18, 2013 in Dairy Performance
By Peter Coyne 2013 may be a challenge as surging feed prices have driven the cost of production to new highs.  Do your employees understand your expectations or have they been receiving mixed messages during these stressful times? Labor plays a key role as you search for ways to manage expenses and maximize profitability.  An

Don’t lose money with too many replacements

Posted on January 4, 2013 in Dairy Performance
By Randy Greenfield Is your heifer-raising operation a profitable one?  How many heifers do you need to support your dairy herd’s turnover rate?  Should you consider culling some of your youngstock? If you are a Midwestern dairy producer, you’ve probably asked these questions recently. Historically, dairy producers have striven to maximize the number of heifer

Silage additives: Can they cut the mustard in the EU?

Posted on December 21, 2012 in Dairy Performance
By Jon Urness In America, we’re proud to say we live in the land of the free.  And, most often, that’s a good thing.  But when it comes to silage additives and how they’re scrutinized and marketed, maybe we’d have to say not-so-much. Here in the land of wide open spaces and free markets, it’s

Strength in numbers

Posted on December 12, 2012 in Dairy Performance
Approximately 350 dairy producers, Vita Plus staff and industry partners recently gathered in Merrillville, Indiana for Vita Plus Dairy Summit 2012.  This year's event centered on the theme of "Strength in numbers." Attendees learned about cutting-edge research and tools from top-notch speakers and networked with fellow progressive producers from across the Midwest. One of the

Limit infections in challenging environments

Posted on November 28, 2012 in Dairy Performance
By Dr. Owen Mickley This season’s temperature swings aren’t easy for calves.  We've been hearing about an increase in navel infections, ear tag infections and joint swelling. Remember, any increase in infection or treatment rate is cause for concern.  These problems may seem minor, but could indicate an opportunity to enhance the current system.  If

Where do you invest your dairy dollars?

Posted on November 6, 2012 in Dairy Performance
By Gary Sipiorski With today’s markets, dairy producers are wearing their business hats around the clock.  Every dollar counts when looking at the long-term financial success of your business.  So when you make a profit, where’s the best place to invest your money and increase your potential for future success? The first step:  Know your

Give Your Heifer Barns Some Attention Too

Posted on October 19, 2012 in Dairy Performance
By Ann Hoskins Transitioning a calf from its individual pen to a group pen can be very stressful.  We always say three strikes and you’re out.  That can really hit home for your transition calves. Stressors that affect these animals include new location, socializing, feed change, locating feed and water, vaccinations, dehorning, etc.  Expose them

Alkaline treatment of corn stover: Can it work on my dairy?

Posted on October 10, 2012 in Dairy Performance
By John Brantsen and Jon Urness As we’re looking to make the most out of our crops this year, alkaline treatment of corn stover is gaining attention as a potential strategy to improve the feed value of this byproduct. Research shows that treating feedstuffs with calcium oxide increases cellulose digestibility, which improves the feed value

Decrease dairy cattle feed losses and earn the A on your forage harvesting report card

Posted on October 2, 2012 in Dairy Performance
By Jon Urness With today’s dairy cattle feed costs, we need to get the most out of our homegrown forages. That means it’s not just back to school for our kids, but also back the basics when it comes to forage harvesting and storing nutritional food for your cows. Let’s see if our efforts will

Aflatoxin: No room for error in dairy

Posted on September 20, 2012 in Dairy Performance

By Dr. Al Schultz and Rod Martin

Almost every year at harvest, we have a few conversations about common molds and mycotoxins.  However, this year’s weather events have pushed us to look closer at a mycotoxin that isn’t as common in the upper Midwest:  aflatoxin. Aflatoxin is produced by the Aspergillus mold.  It thrives in periods of excessive heat and drought conditions, which is why it’s of particular concern to producers this harvest season.  Spores travel by the wind and infect silks or kernels, usually through insect wounds.

Don’t look back: Something might be gaining on you

Posted on September 5, 2012 in Dairy Performance
By Al Gunderson I recently came across an article I wrote for Progressive Dairyman back in June.  At that point, experts were forecasting a record crop and producers’ attention was focused on where the milk price might be for the rest of 2012 and into 2013.  After this year’s drought, feed prices have taken center

Are you catching and treating dehydration soon enough?

Posted on August 28, 2012 in Dairy Performance
By Ann Hoskins Recognizing and treating dehydration is key to raising healthy calves.  Calves will become dehydrated for many reasons, including summer heat and scours.  If you can catch dehydration early, supplemental fluids can get the calf on the road to a quicker recovery. A calf’s body contains 75 to 80 percent water at birth

Harvest time: Watch your moistures

Posted on August 6, 2012 in Dairy Performance
By Chris Wacek-Driver We’re already starting to chop corn silage in some parts of the Midwest. As you look to harvest this year’s crop, we once again remind you of the importance of closely monitoring your moisture levels. For corn silage, we recommend an optimum moisture level of 65 to 68 percent, but you’re generally

2012 drought: When to harvest and pricing corn

Posted on July 20, 2012 in Dairy Performance

By Dr. John Goeser, Chris Wacek-Driver and Randy Greenfield

(Editors note:  Scroll to the bottom of this article for a full webinar recording on this topic as well as PowerPoint slides from the presentation.) Many of you are facing drought conditions and re-thinking your forage strategy as a result.  Make your decisions based on actual conditions and move forward after careful consideration of your options. 

Make the right decisions for harvesting drought-stressed corn silage

Posted on July 13, 2012 in Dairy Performance
By Chris Wacek-Driver The drought conditions we’re seeing have many of us worrying about this year’s yields.  It is extremely difficult and emotionally challenging to watch a valuable and needed crop curl and turn brown due to lack of moisture.  While the gut tendency may be reactive based on visual information, careful analysis and informed