Fall River

Contact us

640 Vita Plus Drive, PO Box 41, Fall River, WI 53932

Chris Kerr, operations manager

Joe Kloehn, operations manager


Click here to contact our nutritionists

Our hours
Office hours:  Monday - Friday 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Elevator hours:  7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Seasonal hours:  Set to meet the needs of our customers

About Vita Plus Fall River
If you’re looking for sound advice and expert opinions in today’s dynamic grain markets, contact Vita Plus Fall River for answers to your grain storage and merchandising questions.  Serving southcentral Wisconsin, Vita Plus Fall River is proud to join your team to help increase your bottom line.  Our services include:

  • Grain storage and merchandising
    • On-farm grain pick-up and delivery
    • Fast unloading of your grains
    • Drying, storage, and year-round purchasing of corn and soybeans
    • Harvest-time purchasing of wheat and oats
    • Grain banking
    • Contracts
  • Daily markets report:  We gladly email you a daily markets report free of charge.  Click here to request to be added to the daily markets distribution list.

Safe Feed/Safe Food-certified
Becoming Safe Feed/Safe Food-certified means our facility demonstrates and ensures continuous improvements in delivering safe, wholesome feed for the growth and care of customers’ livestock.  This is a one-of-a-kind voluntary program.  Certified facilities exceed federal requirements to ensure the highest standards in manufacturing and processing are followed each day.