Posted on November 20, 2024 in Dairy Goat Performance
The dry period should be considered as the start of the next lactation for a dairy goat doe. To lay the foundation for success and minimize the roadblocks ahead, effectively managing dry does will maximize their full potential.
By Sarah Varney, Vita Plus dairy goat specialist | Lester Sterken, and his wife, Helen, own and operate Musty Meadow, a dairy goat farm in Delevan, Wisconsin. Access to well-managed corn silage and haylage allows the Sterkens to feed a total mixed ration to meet the nutritional needs of the herd, reduce feed waste, and support farm profitability.
Posted on October 2, 2023 in Dairy Goat Performance
The transition period for dairy goats is the three weeks before kidding to three weeks after kidding. During his Vita Plus Dairy Goat Seminar presentation, Kevin Wellejus, VMD and partner at Calumet Goat Company, explained that during this transition from the dry period to milking, the doe’s physiology changes dramatically.
Posted on August 23, 2023 in Dairy Goat Performance
As a Vita Plus dairy technical specialist, Noah Litherland, Ph.D., has long been interested in rumen development and the physiology of growth in youngstock. He applies that interest to his family’s farm as they raise dairy goats. During his Vita Plus Dairy Goat Seminar presentation, Litherland focused on starter intake as a key component of youngstock nutrition and management.
Posted on October 18, 2022 in Dairy Goat Performance
Proper management of a doe’s dry period can have significant impacts on the doe’s longevity and productivity as well as kid survival. In this second article in a two-part series, experts discuss nutrition strategies that can lead to success in the dry period.
Posted on January 28, 2022 in Dairy Goat Performance
By Dr. Noah Litherland
We only have one opportunity per doe to harvest colostrum and to feed her kids quality colostrum, so let’s develop a plan to do it right! Do you have opportunities to manage colostrum more effectively this year?
Posted on November 18, 2021 in Dairy Goat Performance
[gallery ids="16836,16837,16838,16839,16840,16841,16842,16843,16844,16845"] Drumlin Dairy LLC focuses on kid health, year-round production Wisconsin leads the nation in dairy goat production, yet not enough goat milk is produced in-state to make all the goat cheese crafted by Wisconsin cheesemakers. A few years ago, processors approached the owners of Holsum Dairies, LLC in Hilbert, Wisconsin, to see if they
Posted on October 8, 2020 in Dairy Goat Performance
By Sarah Adamson
Dry doe nutrition is an important part of a successful dairy goat operation. However, many producers don’t invest enough time and/or resources into this important stage of a dairy goat’s life to capitalize on the benefits it provides.