NEW! Veterinarian’s Corner: Guidelines for Proper Vaccine Handling – Dr. Kevin Ratka, Vita Plus

Posted on April 20, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care

By Dr. Kevin Ratka, Vita Plus dairy specialist
Vaccination protocols are very important to maintain the health and productivity of each herd.  A considerable amount of time is spent discussing and analyzing which vaccines should be used and when is the optimal time to use each vaccine to achieve maximal immunity.  However, sometimes the basics of vaccine handling and storage get overlooked, leading to poor response to the vaccine and putting herds at risk for disease.  Here are some of the basic guidelines to ensure optimal results.

The Importance of NDF in Constructing Dairy Heifer Diets – Dr. Wayne Coblentz, USDA-ARS, and Dr. Matt Akins, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Posted on April 20, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care

By Dr. Wayne Coblentz, USDA-ARS, and Dr. Matt Akins, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The goal of management programs for dairy replacement heifers is to consistently rear heifers at a low economic and environmental cost without compromising their future performance as lactating cows.

Generally, this can be accomplished with forage-based diets, but a key to success is understanding the role of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) in regulating both the energy density as well as the voluntary intake of diets consumed by dairy heifers.

Making the Old Barn New Again – Ann Hoskins, Vita Plus

Posted on April 20, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care

By Ann Hoskins, Vita Plus calf products coordinator
Before you decide to turn that old dairy barn into a calf barn, you should do some research.  An old barn may provide more warmth and protection from the elements for calves and caretakers.  But consider calf flow, ventilation, sanitation, ease of feeding, and the overall health benefits and risks before you begin renovations.

NEW! Calf Program Checklist: Measuring Serum Total Protein – Dr. Noah Litherland, Vita Plus

Posted on April 20, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care

By Dr. Noah Litherland, Vita Plus dairy youngstock technical specialist
Serum total protein analysis is a simple and repeatable way to evaluate passive transfer of immunoglobulins in dairy calves up to five days of age.  When colostrum is fed, the immunoglobulins are absorbed through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream, where they interact with tissues in the body to provide passive transfer of immunity from the dam to the calf. 

Fast Fact: How Can I Slope Hutches to Increase Drainage? – Dr. Noah Litherland, Vita Plus

Posted on April 20, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care

By Noah Litherland, Vita Plus dairy youngstock technical specialist

Question:  How can I slope hutches to increase drainage?

Quick answer:  Creating a 2-percent slope by placing a small mound at the junction of the calf hutch and outside pen increases drainage away from the calf.

A bit more...

Regional Calf Report: Southern Wisconsin – Frankie Rathbun, Vita Plus Columbus

Posted on April 20, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care

By Frankie Rathbun, Vita Plus Columbus dairy specialist
Spring has arrived here in southern Wisconsin and we have been experiencing the wet conditions that come along with it. Based on the on-farm observations our team has made and discussions with veterinarians, I believe that respiratory disease has been the number one challenge as we enter spring. Along with that, an increase in Salmonella-related challenges have not only resulted in scours, but also have developed into respiratory issues in some herds. Salmonella can be transferred through saliva, milk, fecal-oral vectors, nasal contact and colostrum. Key factors that impact the spread of Salmonella are cleanliness and ventilation.

Beyond the Barn: Predicting Calf Starter Usage – Dr. Noah Litherland, Vita Plus

Posted on April 20, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care

By Dr. Noah Litherland, Vita Plus dairy youngstock technical specialist
Estimating starter grain needs for your calf operation can be challenging.  For most farms, starter intake averages around 1.2 to 1.8 pounds per day for the 60-day nursery phase.  Starter intake increases as calves get older and typically peaks at 5 to 7 pounds at 60 days for Holstein calves.  Additional factors – such as surges in calving intensity, amount of starter grain shrink during rainy periods if calves are fed in pails outside, and the amount of starter grain fed to transition calves – all increase the complexity of estimating calf starter grain usage and inventory. 

We developed a simple Calf Starter Usage Calculator to help take some of the guesswork out of estimating the amount of calf starter needed.

Calf Care Quick Tip: Sanitizing with Foamers – Ann Hoskins, Vita Plus

Posted on April 20, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care

By Ann Hoskins, Vita Plus calf products coordinator
It is not advisable to pressure wash or aerosolize water in calf areas.  Pathogens can easily travel with the mist that pressure washing creates.  Using a foamer is a great alternative.

VIDEO: Calf Chat with Noah – Overcrowding Challenges

Posted on February 23, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care

We're seeing some overcrowding in heifer facilities right now, which can lead to health challenges if management protocols slip a bit.  Dr. Noah Litherland, Vita Plus dairy youngstock technical specialist, discusses some of the things you can do to keep your calves healthy through environmental challenges.

Virtual Farm Tour: Wittenberg Embryo Transfer

Posted on February 23, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care

Genetic Excellence Realized Through Consistent Calf Care
As you might guess from the name, Wittenberg Embryo Transfer in Wausau, Wisconsin is not your average dairy farm.  Owner Dr. John Prososki purchased the farm about 10 years ago with about 25 cows.  The old red barn remains, but everything else has been built new as the herd has grown to about 160 milking cows.

Prososki is a veterinarian and started his career at a large animal practice before he began working exclusively in embryo transfer (ET) a number of years ago.

VIDEO: A Day in the Life of a Calf Raiser – Meet Jonathon Hallock, MarBec Dairy

Posted on February 23, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care

We're pleased to introduce you to Jonathon Hallock and the MarBec Dairy team from Mondovi, Wisconsin.  Throughout 2017, Jonathon will share his calf program and experiences with us.

NEW! Veterinarian’s Corner: MLV and Killed Vaccines – Dr. Chris Chase, South Dakota State University

Posted on February 23, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care

By Dr. Chris Chase, South Dakota State University Department of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences
The times they are a changin’ with MLV and killed vaccines.  It doesn’t have to be one or the other.

In the last 40 years, we have seen several waves in which type of vaccine - modified live vaccines (MLV) or inactivated (killed) - is the most efficacious and safe.

Intestinal Bacteria Communication: Can You Hear Me Now? – Dr. Noah Litherland, Vita Plus

Posted on February 23, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care

By Dr. Noah Litherland, Vita Plus dairy youngstock technical specialist
Historically, we believed bacteria functioned as individual cells.  The discovery of intercellular communication among bacteria led to the realization that bacterial communities are capable of coordinated activity.  The “language” used for this intercellular communication is based on self-generated signal molecules called autoinducers.  When sufficient bacteria are present, autoinducer signals allow bacteria to sense a critical mass or quorum.  Communication allows bacterial populations to synchronize group behavior and coordinate multicellular functionality.

Two Months In: What We’ve Learned with VFDs – Donovan Nelson, Vita Plus

Posted on February 23, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care

By Donovan Nelson, Vita Plus formulation specialist
Veterinarian Feed Directive (VFD):  It has been a buzzword in the livestock and feed industries to kick off 2017.

How has implementation of the VFD rule gone thus far? It might depend on who you ask, but it has taken a team effort between veterinarians, livestock producers and feed distributors alike – which is ultimately the intention of the law – to ensure judicious use of animal antibiotics.

NEW! Calf Program Checklist: Fly Control – Ann Hoskins, Vita Plus

Posted on February 23, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care

By Ann Hoskins, Vita Plus calf products coordinator
As spring approaches, it’s time to develop a plan to combat those pesky flies. The key to good fly control is getting ahead of them and staying vigilant throughout the season.

Fast Fact: What’s the Recommended Resting Space for Heifers? – Dr. Noah Litherland, Vita Plus

Posted on February 23, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care

By Dr. Noah Litherland, Vita Plus dairy youngstock technical specialist

Question:  What's the recommended resting space for heifers?

Quick answer:  Forty square feet is the recommended resting space for a heifer that is three to five months old.

A bit more:  Um…scoot over.  I need my space!