Posted on October 25, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Dr. Noah Litherland, Vita Plus dairy youngstock technical specialist
The goal is to allow the calf to nurse comfortably with its nose below its eyes. The angles, heights, and depths of your pails and grain troughs can also impact intakes.
Posted on October 25, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Peter Coyne, Vita Plus dairy field consultant and sales manager
If you are considering implementing an incentive program for your calf team employees as a motivation tool, I would ask you to think again.
Posted on October 25, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Greg Wiener, Vita Plus dairy specialist
This fall's terrible swings in weather have led to many challenges in calves less than two weeks old, and most of those challenges revolve around cleanliness.
Posted on August 23, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
This summer's weather has led to a bumper crop of flies. In this edition of Calf Chat, Ann Hoskins, Vita Plus calf products coordinator, shares tips to limit the population through fall and prevent further fly issues in the the spring.
Posted on August 23, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
Healthy cows make healthy calves at Pfaffsway Farms
Raising strong, healthy calves doesn’t start on day one at Pfaffsway Farms in Alma Center, Wisconsin. According to the Pfaff family, it starts a long time before then.
Posted on August 23, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
In this segment of A Day in the Life of a Calf Raiser, Jonathon Hallock, MarBec Dairy, explains the protocols he and his team follow to care for newborn calves and fresh cows. With many team members responsible for maternity care, they use several communication tools to keep everyone up to speed.
Posted on August 23, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Dr. Barry Kleppe, Waunakee Veterinary Service
Think of the old western movie cattle drives - the longhorns were left alone. Removal of bovine horns has evolved over time.
Posted on August 23, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Dr. Noah Litherland, Vita Plus dairy youngstock technical specialist
Have you ever found yourself reading a milk replacer tag and trying to understand what additives are included, what those additives do and whether or not they are right for your calf program?
Posted on August 23, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Pat Hoffman, Vita Plus dairy technical specialist
So we fire up the tractor, load the TMR mixer, turn into the central feed alley of the heifer freestall barn, and start discharging feed. Typically, the last thing we want is the heifers to run out of feed, so we make sure they have plenty.
Oops. We forgot to add a couple of details to the story.
Posted on August 23, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Jeff Winkler, Vita Plus operations leader, and Dr. Noah Litherland, Vita Plus dairy youngstock technical specialist
Calf raisers on operations of all sizes are looking at bulk calf starter storage. Bulk calf starter has some advantages over bagged starter, including decreased price per ton (no bagging costs), no empty bags to deal with, and the convenience of bulk starter available right there on your farm. Here are some key questions to ask as you consider construction of on-farm starter grain storage structures.
Posted on August 23, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Stacy Zitelman, Vita Plus dairy specialist
July brought many storms with damaging winds and heavy rainfall, followed by a few weeks of high humidity. Keeping calves dry, hydrated and stress-free has been a challenge for producers this summer.
Posted on August 23, 2017 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Glenn Andler, Vita Builders LLC general manager
Are you considering construction of calf starter bins on your farm? Thorough planning prior to construction can save you time and hassle, as well as dollars lost in spoiled feed. It can also help you build these units so they can be used in the safest way possible. Consider the following points as you design and construct new bins.