Mix MIlk Right to Maximize Nutrition – Dr. Noah Litherland, Vita Plus

Posted on June 25, 2015 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Dr. Noah Litherland, Vita Plus dairy youngstock technical specialist The summer months have no shortage of activities and projects on the farm, which makes it easy to forget the details as we rush from one task to the next. However, what seem like minor details can have major impacts on calf performance.  These include

ATP Readings: Dirty Jobs on Your Farm – Dr. Rob Farruggio, Jefferson Veterinary Clinic

Posted on June 25, 2015 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Dr. Rob Farruggio, Jefferson Veterinary Clinic When dealing with calf health issues, it is common to investigate whether the calf was handled properly in the first few hours of life. This includes moving the calf to a clean dry place within one hour of birth, dipping the navel, feeding clean, high quality colostrum in

Meeting Protein Needs of Growing Dairy Calves – Dr. Noah Litherland, Vita Plus

Posted on June 25, 2015 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Dr. Noah Litherland, Vita Plus dairy youngstock technical specialist In the calf world, we often think of protein in terms of percentage of milk replacer powder, but a multitude of factors affect the growing calf’s protein needs. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and vital to maintenance, growth and structural development.  Amino

Ask the Expert: Bottle or Esophageal Tube to Feed Colostrum? – Milk Products team

Posted on June 25, 2015 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
Question:  What’s the best way to feed colostrum?  By bottle or esophageal feeder? A:  Colostrum management is of critical importance for maximizing calf health.  Multiple factors influence passive transfer of immunity from colostrum, including quality, quantity, quickness and cleanliness.  Current recommendations call for the first colostrum feeding to be delivered within four hours of birth,

Regional Calf Report: Western Michigan – Maddie Culbertson, North Central Co-op

Posted on June 25, 2015 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Maddie Culbertson, North Central Co-op dairy specialist With another cold winter behind us, I am happy to report calves in our region came through the harsh conditions thriving.  With nightmares of the winter of 2013-14 lingering, many producers had a heightened awareness of the implications cold stress can have on the future herd.  Modified

Video: A Day in the Life of a Calf Raiser – Vir-Clar Farms

Posted on June 25, 2015 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
In this edition of Starting Strong, Katie Grinstead of Vir-Clar Farms in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin walks us through her nutrition and management program for weaned calves. Visit our YouTube channel for more segments of A Day in the Life of a Calf Raiser.

Virtual Farm Tour: Holland Cattle Co.

Posted on June 25, 2015 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
Focus on Protocols Keeps Family on Same Page Bill and Lisa Holland have farmed 37 years in Apple River, Illinois.  They started the operation with hogs and cows, but transitioned to exclusively cattle within the first few years.  Today, four of their five children play an active role on the family farm as they milk

Video: Calf Chat with Ann – Sharing Your Farm with Visitors

Posted on June 25, 2015 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
Many dairy producers hosted and helped at dairy breakfasts and other promotional events throughout June Dairy Month.  But that doesn't mean you can only share your farm's story during one month of the year.  In this edition of Calf Chat, Ann Hoskins shares a few tips to prepare your farm for visitors. Visit our YouTube

Video: Calf Care Quick Tip – Dehorning Paste

Posted on April 28, 2015 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
Use of dehorning paste is increasingly popular among today's calf raisers.  Following her February edition of "A Day in the Life of a Calf Raiser," Katie Grinstead of Vir-Clar Farms in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin recieved many questions about how she uses dehorning paste for her calves.  Katie walks through the simple steps in this

Beyond the Barn: Scooping Your Favorite Flavor

Posted on April 28, 2015 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
The weather is warm, the sun is shining, and you have a perfectly scooped cone of your favorite ice cream in hand.  It doesn’t get much better than that. Creating that exact scene – over and over – is the goal for Sassy Cow Creamery in Columbus, Wisconsin. For three years, Juli Cooper has worked

Stop the Flies Before Temperatures Rise – Ann Hoskins, Vita Plus

Posted on April 28, 2015 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Ann Hoskins, Vita Plus calf products coordinator It won’t be long before your time spent feeding calves is clouded with the buzzing of pesky flies swarming around your head. Getting ahead of the flies will help reduce the population long-term.  According to research from Purdue University, a fly can complete an entire generation –

Video: Feeding Calves in Autofeeder Systems – The Feeding Program (Part 1)

Posted on April 28, 2015 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
In this video, Ann Hoskins, Vita Plus calf products coordinator, outlines how to set the feeding program in an autofeeder system.  Stay tuned for future videos on maintenance, trouble shooting and data management.  Gain more helpful video tips on our YouTube channel.

Prevent Navel Infections in Newborn Calves

Posted on April 28, 2015 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
The umbilical cord of a newborn calf is the residual pipeline from the mother’s blood to the calf.  The unborn calf uses the mother’s circulation for nourishment and her urinary system to remove the waste it produces.  During birth, the cord is stretched until it breaks.  At that point, the calf is cut off from

Ask the Expert: What Makes a Good Soap? – Ann Hoskins, Vita Plus

Posted on April 28, 2015 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Ann Hoskins, Vita Plus calf products coordinator Question:  Cleanliness in our calf area is a top priority on our farm.  So many cleaning and disinfecting products are available, how do I know which are best for eliminating pathogens?  A:  Detergents and disinfectants should be selected based on the job they must perform. Their effectiveness

Regional Calf Report: Ohio – Dr. Andy Kniesly, Vita Plus

Posted on April 28, 2015 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Dr. Andy Kniesly, Vita Plus dairy consutlant Here in Northeast Ohio, as milk prices have fallen, we are reviewing all areas of the farm to find opportunities to optimize production strategies. One area that is often reviewed is the replacement heifers. Heifers are the future of our herds, so we want to raise them

Video: A Day in the Life of a Calf Raiser – Vir-Clar Farms

Posted on April 28, 2015 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
In this edition of Starting Strong, Katie Grinstead of Vir-Clar Farms in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin talks about all the little tricks her team uses to more easily and efficiently raise calves, including sanitation, recordkeeping, and feeding strategies. Visit our YouTube channel for more segments of A Day in the Life of a Calf Raiser.