Video: Calf Care Quick Tip – Pushing Up Feed For Transition Heifers

Posted on August 29, 2013 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
Keeping feed in front of heifers is obviously a must to keep them growing.  Simply taking a broom and pushing up feed three to five times a day keeps feed in front of them and keeps them eating.  Visit our YouTube channel for more Calf Care Quick Tips.

Beyond the Barn: The Power of One – Vita Plus Expedition Chick Day 2013

Posted on August 29, 2013 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
More than 120 farm women, employee owners and industry peers gathered together August 16 for Vita Plus Expedition Chick Day 2013. The annual event took place at Indianhead Holsteins Ltd. in Barron, Wisconsin. Each part of the event focused on the theme of “The Power of One” as attendees were reminded that one small pebble

Keeping Calves Cool Through the Summer Heat – Augusta Hagen

Posted on August 29, 2013 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Augusta Hagen, Vita Plus dairy nutrition and management fellow We’ve had a moderately cool summer, but we all know that has abruptly changed this last week. Hot days and humidity make for lots of uncomfortable, low-producing cows. To cope in our dairy barns, we have implemented innovative cooling systems to keep our cows comfortable,

Coccidiosis in Calves and Heifers – Dr. David Carlson, Elanco Animal Health

Posted on August 29, 2013 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Dr. David Carlson, Elanco Animal Health Coccidiosis is an infection of the large and small intestines caused by protozoan parasites.  Coccidiosis is a costly disease with an estimated worldwide economic impact of $400 million annually due to death loss and veterinary costs associated with clinical infection.  This estimate of economic impact does not include

Building Better Heifer Breeding Criteria – Pat Hoffman, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Posted on August 29, 2013 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
With Pat Hoffman, University of Wisconsin-Madison dairy extension specialist For years, dairy producers have been told they should target specific breeding weights and lower the average breeding age of their heifers. But according to Pat Hoffman, University of Wisconsin dairy extension specialist, there’s just one small problem with this school of thought. “No single heifer

Ask the Expert: Managing Maternity Pens – Dr. Rob Farruggio, Jefferson Veterinary Clinic

Posted on August 29, 2013 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Dr. Rob Farruggio, Jefferson Veterinary Clinic Q:  As I look at my calf rearing program, I feel like our maternity area may be the weakest link. We really start to see more newborn calf issues as we near the end of the summer. Do you have advice on ways to improve our maternity area?

Regional Calf Report: Central Michigan – Kristi Keilen

Posted on August 29, 2013 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Kristi Keilen, Vita Plus dairy specialist Here in Michigan, things have been going well this month.   An unusually cool summer has been very good for the calves.  With temperatures staying right around the 70s, we haven’t had much heat stress to worry about and calves have minimal health issues.  Temperatures have climbed this week,

Video: A Day in the Life of a Calf Raiser – Welcome to Stieglitz Dairy LLC

Posted on August 29, 2013 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
In this edition of Starting Strong A Day in the Life of a Calf Raiser, we meet Danae Stieglitz of Stieglitz Dairy LLC in central Wisconsin.  A former veterinary technician, Danae introduces us to her family's farm and calf program.  In future editions of Starting Strong, Danae will share details about her calf nutrition, health

Virtual Farm Tour: Aquila Dairy Farms

Posted on August 29, 2013 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
Innovation and Excellence the Goals at Aquila Dairy Farms Seventeen years ago, the Verhaar family immigrated to Bad Axe, Michigan and has been working toward excellence in dairy production ever since.  Today, the family owns and operates Aquila Dairy Farms.  Through gradual expansions, the dairy has grown to its current size of 2,000 crossbred milking

Video: Calf Chat with Ann – Getting Rid of the Bugs

Posted on August 29, 2013 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
In this edition of Starting Strong Calf Chat, Ann reminds us that it's been a perfect growing season for the bad bugs on the farm.  Let's make sure we do a great job of cleaning all calf equipment - especially feeding equipment - to keep calves healthy.  Visit our YouTube channel for more Calf Chat

Video: Calf Care Quick Tip – No-mess Fly Control

Posted on June 26, 2013 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
Fly control is a top priority in the summer, but it can also be messy.  This fly control strategy uses recycled milk jugs to hold fly bait.  Visit our YouTube channel for more Calf Care Quick Tips.

Beyond the Barn: Healthy Culture Drives Business Success – Jon Wilcox

Posted on June 26, 2013 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Jon Wilcox, Vita Plus western region dairy team sales manager A family with energetic boys raised cattle on a hobby farm. A well-intentioned neighbor, with decades of experience in cattle production, was critical of the “results” he saw and often shared his wisdom. One evening, as the neighbor was chastising the father, the mother

Are Your Calves Feeling the Heat of Summer? – Ann Hoskins

Posted on June 26, 2013 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Ann Hoskins, Vita Plus calf products coordinator When heat stress hits on the farm, we often look to the cows first.  But did you know that heat stress can hit calves as hard as all the other animals on the farm? Heat-stressed calves may have reduced average daily gains or increased incidence of treatments. 

High Plane of Nutrition: Is It Worth It For Your Calves? – Augusta Hagen

Posted on June 26, 2013 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Augusta Hagen, Vita Plus dairy nutrition and management fellow A top goal for dairy farmers and nutritionists is to raise healthy calves that will transition into long-term members of the milking herd. Although the goal is simple, many factors play a role in raising a healthy replacement, including the nutrition program. A majority of

Quality Starter Fuels Rumen Development – Dr. Noah Litherland, University of Minnesota

Posted on June 26, 2013 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
With Dr. Noah Litherland, University of Minnesota Department of Animal Science dairy cattle nutritionist Research has repeatedly shown that quality calf starter plays a big role in calf performance.  Understanding the biology behind this strategy can help make the most of your feeding program. Dr. Noah Litherland is a dairy cattle nutritionist with the University

Ask the Expert: Pros and Cons of Pasteurizers – Dr. Steve Hayes, Day 1 Technology

Posted on June 26, 2013 in Starting Strong - Calf Care
By Dr. Steve Hayes, DVM, Day 1 Technology Q:  We are considering the purchase of a colostrum pasteurizer.  What are the pros and cons of these systems?  If we do purchase one, how do we know if it's working? A:  Pasteurizers have really become popular in the past 10 years on dairies and calf raising