Smart feeding can lead to increased milk in robotic herds

Posted on July 19, 2023 in Dairy Performance
By Jenn Coyne, Progressive Dairy | Feeding a robotic milking herd may seem like a balancing act between what is fed at the bunk and in the box.  Industry observations indicate consistency between both is the true driver of increased energy-corrected milk and components.

Price protection:  A tool to keep your feed costs competitive

Posted on July 5, 2023 in Dairy Performance
By Steve Good, Vita Plus dairy specialist | Price-protecting feed is one strategy to help control costs on your farm.  The current market environment and its fluctuating prices can make it difficult to budget for the cost of purchased feedstuffs, especially corn and protein.  A variety of strategies are available to producers to price-protect corn and protein sources and help control costs.  The following steps can help you choose the strategies that best fit your farming business.

Support early life calf health with extended colostrum and transition milk feedings

Posted on June 27, 2023 in Dairy Performance
By Lucas Mitchell, Ph.D., Vita Plus | Calves are quite susceptible to disease in their first four weeks of life. How these challenges are combatted varies from farm to farm, but a couple of items consistently ring true.

Culture supportive of mental health

Posted on May 30, 2023 in Dairy Performance
By Brock Irwin | Tips provided for building a supportive farm culture, recognizing mental health challenges and having discussions about mental health.

These 6 metrics can help you manage calves in autofeeder systems

Posted on May 19, 2023 in Dairy Performance
By Ann Hoskins | Automatic calf feeders can provide helpful insight into daily calf management as well as overall trends of the calf feeding program. In turn, this can help you create efficiencies, make management decisions and improve calf performance.

The best times to push up feed

Posted on March 21, 2023 in Dairy Performance
By Jon Rasmussen | Research has shown reduced sorting, elevated lying times, positive milk responses, and enhanced milk component responses are all possible with more feed deliveries and feed pushups. One of the simpler technologies we can use in observing feedbunk behavior and feed pushups is a time-lapse camera, which allows us to observe cows at a distance.

Cold weather stresses cows too

Posted on January 31, 2023 in Dairy Performance
By Barry Visser | This winter has presented us with nearly every weather scenario possible: fluctuating barometric pressures, bitter cold temperatures and wind chills, and mild temperatures with rain, ice, and fog. These changing weather systems have an impact on dairy cows and milk production. There are a few management considerations to minimize the impact of cold stress on milk production.

Benchmarking survey helps farms evaluate IOFC

Posted on January 3, 2023 in Dairy Performance
By Stacy Nichols | Because feed represents more than 50% of the cost of milk production, dairy producers often ask how their feed costs compare to those of other farms.  As markets change, it’s important to regularly evaluate feed costs, ask whether you’re getting acceptable returns on your farm’s feed additives and dietary strategies, and explore whether you have opportunities to save on feed costs or invest in milk production for a greater return. With these questions in mind, Vita Plus dairy nutritionists recently conducted a benchmarking analysis survey of income over feed cost (IOFC) with 35 Holstein dairy herds in Michigan and Indiana.

9 critical control points for TMR consistency

Posted on December 7, 2022 in Dairy Performance
By Dr. David Carlson | The feeding process requires skill and attention to detail to deliver a high-quality, uniform ration to all cows within a pen. The following nine critical control points can help you achieve TMR consistency.

5 steps to stay ahead of a colostrum slump

Posted on November 18, 2022 in Dairy Performance
Dr. Bethany Dado-Senn | If your farm has a seasonal decrease in colostrum production across the late-fall and early-winter months, the following proactive steps can help you maintain a constant supply of high-quality colostrum for your valuable replacement herd.

Don’t miss the chance to make good silage

Posted on August 30, 2022 in Dairy Performance
By Barry Visser | Most corn planting happened two to four weeks later than normal thanks to April rains and below-average temperatures. Despite the later spring, corn silage harvest is just around the corner, and for a few in outlying areas, it has already begun. A few strategies can help determine when to hit the fields and how to put up the highest quality forage possible.

11 tips for efficient corn silage harvest and storage

Posted on August 5, 2022 in Dairy Performance
By Steve Murty | Nutrients lost through forage shrink have a real cost to your dairy. Here are 11 tips to efficiently harvest, pack, and cover your corn silage to reduce shrink and add dollars to the bottom line.

Vita Plus Midwest Dairy Summit Recap

Posted on July 21, 2022 in Company News
Dairy producers and industry peers gathered together June 15 and 16, 2022, in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, to network and gain practical insight from agricultural leaders. This e-news provides summary articles from the event sessions.

How agriculture can navigate disruptions and changing policies for future growth

Posted on July 21, 2022 in Dairy Performance
The ping-pong game of Washington politics creates uncertainty as well as direct and indirect consequences for farmers across the U.S. During her presentation at the Vita Plus Midwest Dairy Conference, Constance Cullman, president and CEO of the American Feed Industry Association, highlighted some of the issues likely to affect dairy producers in the upcoming months.

Walking the tightrope: Dairy markets in 2022 and beyond

Posted on July 21, 2022 in Dairy Performance
“One of the things we do especially well in the dairy industry is volatility,” said Phil Plourd, president of Blimling and Associates, Inc. and host of The Dairy Download podcast, during his presentation at the Vita Plus Midwest Dairy Conference. Overall, Plourd said the outlook for U.S. dairy is mostly positive.

Dissecting the mammary gland: Understanding udder health and milk quality

Posted on July 20, 2022 in Dairy Performance
During their presentation and udder dissection lab at the Vita Plus Midwest Dairy Conference, Dr. Meghan Connelly, Vita Plus, Dr. Kolby McIntyre, Marsh View Veterinary Clinic, and Dr. Matt Schaefer, Waupun Veterinary Service, discussed udder health and its relationship to milk quality.