Up to the Challenge: Vita Plus Swine Summit 2017 Recap

Posted on April 24, 2017 in Swine Performance

More than 150 hog producers, industry peers and Vita Plus employee owners attended Vita Plus Swine Summit 2017 on March 29 and 30 in Morton, Minnesota.  Click the links below for complete event coverage, including articles, videos and speaker presentations.

VFDs and Increasing Antibiotic Regulation • Richard Sellers, American Feed Industry Association
The Veterinary Feed Directive (VFD) has dominated discussions surrounding antibiotic use in livestock production for more than a decade.  Sellers explained how the most recent regulations, effective January 1, 2017, impact the way hog farmers use VFD products.  MORE

Strategies to Raise “Antibiotic-Free” Pigs • Dr. Chris Rademacher, Iowa State University
Consumers are incresingly aware of and concerned by the use of antibiotics.  As more producers adopt “antibiotic-free” systems, Rademacher explained how a focus on individual treatment of sick pigs can make these systems work in commercial pork production.  MORE

Consumer Perceptions and Marketing • Patrick Fleming, National Pork Board
Consumers want to know where their food comes from and how it was raised now more than ever.  Fleming explained they want a story with their food and the pork industry needs to deliver on that demand.  MORE

Economic Outlook for 2017 • Dr. Lee Schulz, Iowa State University
While it won’t be a record year for swine producers, Schulz is optimistic they should see profits in 2017.  That’s due to a record low cost of production and strong export demand.  MORE

Brumm’s “Pearls of Wisdom” • Dr. Mike Brumm, Brumm Swine Consultancy
With more than 30 years of experience in the swine industry, Brumm provided his 10 pearls of wisdom or “Brummisms” – concepts he sees as key to success in pork production today and into the future.  MORE

Effective On-Farm Immunization • Dr. Jack Creel, Merck Animal Health
A vaccine may be supported by piles of research and technical experts, but it doesn’t do any good if the product doesn’t make it into the animal’s body.  Creel explained how to successfully vaccinate hogs.  MORE

Swine Health Challenges in the Upper Midwest • Dr. Tim Loula, Swine Vet Center
Even with an extensive career in the swine industry, Loula has to scamble to keep up with the growing number of “buzz words.”  He shared some of those terms and the opportunities they may provide.  MORE

The Richest Man in Town • V.J. Smith
Our team of Vita Plus employee owners is so grateful for the opportunity to work with all of you.  As V.J. Smith reminded us, we can’t say “thank you” enough. The author of “The Richest Man in Town” said thank you is a dying art, but being grateful is a good thing.  MORE

Category: Animal handling
Animal health
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Feed ingredients
Heat stress
Markets and economics
Swine Performance