Brantsen: Earlage Moisture and Processing Survey

Posted on February 22, 2013 in Forage Foundations
  Click to download presentation John Brantsen, a Vita Plus dairy nutritionist, remembers the 2011 harvest season well.  In his area of northwest Iowa, the late summer and fall brought high temperatures and a lot of wind.  He said harvesters in the area were racing the weather, trying to get corn silage harvested before it

Marsh: Visual Analysis of Kernel Processing Versus Lab Analysis: A Need to Know

Posted on February 22, 2013 in Forage Foundations
  Click to download presentation Custom harvesters know that a high corn silage processing score (CSPS) is a top goal for dairy producers as they’re looking to get the most energy value out of today’s expensive feeds.  The catch is that estimating CSPS in the field is not an easy or consistent task. Dr. Brian

Harvester and Producer Panel: Shredlage Experience From the Field

Posted on February 22, 2013 in Forage Foundations
   Photo: (left to right) Bruce Dankers, Dankers Enterprises, Inc., Chuck Fahey, Prairieland Dairy, LLC, and Aaron Kutz, Kutz Dairy, LLC Harvesting corn as Shredlage™ is so new that there hasn’t been time for a lot of research to be conducted. Dr. Randy Shaver, with the University of Wisconsin–Madison, has done a few trials,

Olson and Scherer: Machinery Application of Shredlage

Posted on February 21, 2013 in Forage Foundations
  Click to download presentation Roger Olson of Shredlage, LLC has extensive experience in nutrition consulting with dairy herds.  According to Olson, anytime something was going wrong with a farm’s nutrition program, he observed “cigarette butts” in the manure.  That is, he noticed the round, blunt chunks associated with conventional corn silage. A few years

Shaver: Nutritional Application of Corn Shredlage in Dairy Cattle Feeding

Posted on February 21, 2013 in Forage Foundations
   Click to download presentation Dairy producers have expressed interest in feeding corn as Shredlage™. At the University of Wisconsin – Madison, Dr. Randy Shaver has been conducting feeding trials to see what makes it tick inside the cow. He shared his results with those looking to put up feed for dairies at the

Griswold: Corn Silage Density and Dry Matter Loss – Why and How to Make Your Customers More Dense

Posted on December 4, 2012 in Forage Foundations
There are four types of dry matter loss – fermentation loss, loss from leaching, surface spoilage loss and feedout loss. Dr. Ken Griswold, Penn State Cooperative Extension, conducted a study to measure losses from fermentation and leaching, with an objective to refine the relationship between density and loss. Griswold worked with four relatively small bunker

Digman and Shiebout: Chopper Adjustments and Particle Size

Posted on December 4, 2012 in Forage Foundations
Dr. Matthew Digman with the U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center and Jason Schiebout with Scherer Corrugating & Machine, Inc. led an open discussion on chopper adjustments and particle size in harvesting corn silage. “There is a lot of debate about proper length of cut and roll gap and how the two interact,” Digman said. The

Digman: Maximizing Harvester Productivity in Snaplage

Posted on December 4, 2012 in Forage Foundations
Snaplage is becoming a popular alternative to high moisture corn in some portions of the U.S. Dr. Matthew Digman at the U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center has been working field and feeding trials to learn more about this potential feedstuff. High moisture corn feeds well and can be kept in low-cost anaerobic storage. However, its

Goeser: Does Your Customer’s Forage Have a Story to Tell?

Posted on December 4, 2012 in Forage Foundations
In his role as a nutritionist for Vita Plus, Dr. John Goeser developed a report card as a means to track his performance for each dairy operation he services. This report card helps him show those dairies how well he is working for them. Goeser adapted his report card to the forage industry to help