Win the spoilage battle with Crop-N-Rich® Nexus
It is an exciting time of year! In northern states, fields are greening up and life seems to be coming back from what may feel like a frozen tundra at times. In southern states, warmer temperatures have returned and, in many areas, annual crops have been planted, providing hope for the year to come.
Whether you are in the North, South, or somewhere in between, this is a busy time of year full of preparation and expectations for planting, growing, and harvest seasons.
Choosing the right research-proven silage inoculant should be a part of your annual preparation. What is the “right” silage inoculant? That answer depends on the characteristics of a given crop and the circumstances and challenges that a crop may be subjected to from the field to the feedbunk.
Be assured that the Vita Plus lineup of silage inoculants has a product that will deliver the results you want. One option is Crop-N-Rich Nexus, a premier silage inoculant.
When is Crop-N-Rich Nexus the “right” silage inoculant for your silage program?
Crop-N-Rich Nexus supplies 100,000 colony forming units (CFU) of Lactobacillus plantarum MTD/1 and 200,000 CFU of L. buchneri PJB/1 per gram of forage. This silage inoculant works in two ways:
1) Improved dry matter recovery: L. plantarum MTD/1 drives a more efficient pH reduction during fermentation.
2) Less spoilage and heating: L. buchneri PJB/1 increases the acetic acid concentration in the ensiled crop. Acetic acid is highly antifungal and controlled increased concentrations will help inhibit the cascade of events that eventually lead to heating, yeast growth, and that frustrating visible mold we don’t want to see.
A farmer may want to take advantage of these benefits when:
- A previous year’s crop has heated in the feedbunk.
- A crop is damaged or unhealthy.
- Ensiled feed is being transported over a long distance.
- Feedout rate may be slower than recommended.
In some cases, specific crops may pose a greater risk of spoilage than others. It is common to see white mold pockets in the upper portions of piles of haylage and ensiled winter cereals. In these cases, a more efficient fermentation in combination with an increased concentration of acetic acid from L. buchneri PJB/1 can be a tool to help alleviate spoilage issues.
While each case is unique and management practices must be considered, Crop-N-Rich Nexus can be a valuable tool in your battle to retain more dry matter and reduce spoilage in your ensiled feeds.
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Forage Foundations Forage harvesting Forage inoculants Forage storage and management |