Ydstie named Vita Plus dairy consultant and businesses development specialist
Ydstie grew up on a North Dakota dairy farm and has spent his entire career within the dairy industry in various capacities. He managed several large dairies in North Dakota and South Dakota before transitioning to technical service and leadership roles with other companies in the industry. Ydstie earned a bachelor’s degree in animal science at North Dakota State University and a master’s degree in dairy production at South Dakota State University. Ydstie has been an active 4-H member, leader, and supporter, and he continues to develop his own small herd of registered Brown Swiss cattle.
Vita Plus Corporation is an employee-owned company headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin. Vita Plus has been serving livestock producers since 1948. More than just a feed supplier, Vita Plus consultants offer the latest cutting-edge technology, nutrition and management information. For more information about the organization call 800.362.8334 or go online at www.vitaplus.com.
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