Young talent thrives in the industry: Vita Plus interns gain valuable experience this summer
Evan Mennen is from Green Bay, Wisconsin, and is a student at the University of Wisconsin-River Falls majoring in agricultural education. Mennen did not grow up in agriculture but was immersed during his time with the FFA organization. He just completed a year of service serving as the state parliamentarian.
Mennen is involved in several campus organizations and teams including UWRF Agricultural Education Society, UWRF Beef Management Team and UW-River Falls Collegiate Farm Bureau. This summer, Evan is working with the Vita Plus marketing team to complete tasks in all aspects of marketing.
Elizabeth Plunkett is from Perryville, Missouri, and is a dairy science undergraduate student at Iowa State University. Plunkett takes advantage of opportunities presented to her and enjoys being an undergraduate research assistant for Dr. Baumgard’s dairy nutrition research team. On campus, Plunkett is a member of the Iowa State Dairy Science Club and is an animal science admissions representative. This summer, Elizabeth is working with the Vita Plus calf care team to complete a research trial looking at the effects of a direct-fed microbial and yeast cell wall compound in milk replacer and calf starter.
Vita Plus Corporation, an employee-owned company, serves dairy and livestock producers throughout the Midwest. Founded in 1948, the company is headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin. In addition to quality feed manufacturing, Vita Plus consultants offer the latest cutting-edge nutrition, technology and management expertise. For more information about the organization, call 800.362.8334 or visit www.vitaplus.com.
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