Potential causes of lower crude protein in small grain silage this year

Posted on June 7, 2021 in Forage Foundations

By Ashley Blackburn, Vita Plus agronomy and forage specialist
Colder soil temperatures, frost and less rain than a normal growing season plus other stressors can affect crops in different ways, especially crude protein levels in small grain silages.

The attraction to compaction

Posted on June 7, 2021 in Forage Foundations

By Becky Arnold, Lallemand Animal Nutrition territory business manager
Packing density is the most important factor influencing silage quality once the crop has been delivered to the silo. The more densely packed, the quicker oxygen is depleted, stopping plant respiration and the rapid growth of aerobic spoilage organisms.

Bacterial inoculant or organic acid: Which is best for forages?

Posted on June 7, 2021 in Forage Foundations

By Eugene Rodberg, Kemin product manager
When should we use an acid and when should we use a bacterial inoculant?  This question is not easy to answer because the answer changes from day to day.  To understand when to best use these products, we need to understand why we use these products.

Challenges of feeding late-season alfalfa

Posted on February 22, 2021 in Forage Foundations

By Stacy Nichols, Vita Plus dairy technical specialist
Producers are often enticed to take a late-season alfalfa harvest after a freeze or frost because it helps boost forage inventories, does little harm to the plant, and often has high crude protein levels and low fiber content. Despite these benefits, this alfalfa rarely feeds well, and we have some theories.

Grass can fit well in your forage inventories and nutrient management plan

Posted on February 22, 2021 in Forage Foundations

By Dr. Zach Sawall, Vita Plus dairy nutritionist and technical services specialist, and Pat Hoffman, Vita Plus dairy technical support specialist
“What else can we fit into our crop rotation to get more tonnage from the acres we have to work?” Italian ryegrass can be an effective forage option whether you’re looking to rescue a winterkilled alfalfa field or wanting to put up a grass forage.

2021 Wisconsin Agronomy Update: Alfalfa and alternative forages

Posted on February 22, 2021 in Forage Foundations

Kevin Jarek and Dr. Matt Akins, University of Wisconsin Extension
During this year's virtual Wisconsin Agronomy Update, University of Wisconsin extension agents provided attendees with an update on Wisconsin’s alfalfa landscape and explained how alternative forages have increased in production to make up for lost alfalfa yields.

Controlling birds and their mess

Posted on February 22, 2021 in Forage Foundations

By Jarrod Blackburn, Vita Plus dairy specialist
Many different bird species make a dairy farm “home” in the cooler months, posing a risk to the health of livestock and people as well as the farm’s bottom line. Luckily, you have options to control those bird populations and protect your investment.

2020 harvest: How did it go?

Posted on October 16, 2020 in Forage Foundations

Across most of the Midwest, corn silage harvest is complete. Vita Plus staff across the area provide a quick recap of this year's corn silage harvest and a preliminary quality assessment.

7 Times Measuring the Moisture Content of Feeds Pays Off

Posted on September 25, 2020 in Forage Foundations

By Dr. Michelle Chang-Der Bedrosian, Vita Plus forage products and dairy technical specialist
While most producers are concerned about moisture content around harvest time, it can be beneficial, as well as profitable, to measure moisture content at these seven times throughout the year. 

Winning the alfalfa game: Does RFQ tell the score?

Posted on June 17, 2020 in Forage Foundations

By Stacy Nichols, Vita Plus dairy technical specialist
The goal of managing alfalfa through harvest should not be to maximize relative feed quality (RFQ). Instead, it should be to achieve a balance between digestible fiber content and effective fiber. 

Spoiling silages and TMRs

Posted on June 17, 2020 in Forage Foundations

By Dr. Limin Kung, University of Delaware professor of animal and food sciences
Silages start to spoil when exposed to air. Because total mixed rations (TMR) contain silages, they are also prone to further spoilage in the feed bunk, and the consequences of feeding these feeds can vary depending on several factors.

Alternative forages can provide the nutrients cows need

Posted on June 17, 2020 in Forage Foundations

By Dr. Owen Mickley, Vita Plus dairy specialist
Last year many farmers planted alternative forage species and put up some "unfamiliar" feeds. When strategically incorporated into the feeding plan, alternative forages can provide us the opportunity to fill in the gaps without leaving milk on the table.

Tips for sorghum forage management

Posted on April 14, 2020 in Forage Foundations

By Dr. Matt Akins, University of Wisconsin-Madison assistant scientist
Last year’s growing season was difficult for many forage growers, and several producers made the decision to try sorghum forages with varying success. If you are looking to continue growing sorghum forages this year, keep these tips in mind.

Grain and kernel particle size: The math – Pat Hoffman, Vita Plus

Posted on March 11, 2020 in Forage Foundations

Kernel processing score is so important to progressive forage harvesters because a dairy cow can't access the starch in an unprocessed corn kernel and can experience a drop in milk production within 12 hours from a reduction in starch calories.

Harvesting and feeding early-chopped corn silage

Posted on August 21, 2019 in Forage Foundations

By Dr. Michelle Der Bedrosian, Vita Plus forage products and dairy technical specialist
Forage inventories are running low on many farms, and many producers are considering chopping corn silage early and feeding it right away. While this strategy has some benefits, immature corn can have some drawbacks if it is not harvested and fed correctly.

Alfalfa and grass silage chop lengths

Posted on June 18, 2019 in Forage Foundations

By Wyatt Smith, Vita Plus dairy specialist
Particle size is important to consider when feeding cows, but it is also important at the time of ensiling. With many producers growing grasses in place of alfalfa this year, the theoretical length of cut will need to be adjusted to get the most out of these forages.