Hidden Opportunities: Vita Plus Swine Summit 2016 Recap
About 200 pork producers, Vita Plus employee owners and industry peers met in Morton, Minnesota for Vita Plus Swine Summit 2016 on March 30 and 31. In addition to networking with their peers, attendees learned about the latest trends in pork production, management and markets from industry experts. Click the links below for full event coverage, including articles, videos and PowerPoint presentations.
Q&A Packer Perspective | Gary Machan, Tyson Fresh Meats
With a long career’s worth of insight into U.S. pork production, Machan said he believes “this business is totally dynamic.” He said exports will provide the biggest opportunity for future growth. Prices in the year ahead will be largely dependent on the increased packing capacity expected in the coming months. MORE
VFD: Where It Is Today | Dr. Tyler Holck, GlobalVetLINK
Although open to some interpretation, the new VFD regulations are relatively simple with a 1-1-1 concept. Each VFD issued for medically important antibiotics will require one veterinarian, one client (producer) and one feed distributor. Producers should prepare so they are ready when the new regulations go into effect on January 1. MORE
No Antibiotics…Now What? | Dr. Dean Koehler, Vita Plus
Although the impending VFD regulation that will go into effect January 1 will have an impact on how many hogs are raised, producers still have plenty of tools and opportunities to improve efficiencies as well as animal health and wellbeing. Preparing for the VFD changes now will put producers in a better position for 2017. MORE
Building Employees for Success | John Pagel, Pagel’s Ponderosa Dairy
Business growth is only possible by effectively building a team of employees that are committed to their roles and the farm’s success. Pagel explained employee development at his farm is focused on communication, accountability, respect and sustainability. He also works to develop the next generation of the ag workforce. MORE
Production Basics and Identifying Disease | Dr. Mike Brumm, Brumm Swine Consultancy, and Dr. Darin Madson, Iowa State University
What is your daily chore routine? Are you just “going through the motions” or are you truly taking the time necessary to ensure that both the pigs and the facility your pigs are housed in are in good order? MORE
Managing Hidden Costs: Health | Dr. Tim Loula, Swine Vet Center
“The amount of change in one year is amazing” and that change is likely to continue. Loula explains that high goals for farrowing, less use of antibiotics, continued commitment to biosecurity, and limiting – and possibly even eradicating – common diseases is one of the best ways for producers to stay profitable into the future. MORE
Managing Hidden Costs: Disease and Diagnostic Update | Dr. Darin Madson, Iowa State University
One of the biggest profit thieves on today’s swine operations is disease. Effectively diagnosing and addressing disease early can help producers boost the bottom line. That might include preventing and effectively treating infectious diseases and changing management practices to address non-infectious concerns. MORE
Managing Hidden Costs: Mycotoxins | Dr. Randy Cragoe, BioMatrix International
Mycotoxins are a challenge on virtually every farm regardless of the region, season, weather or other crop growing conditions. Molds form mycotoxins when they come under stress, and the resulting toxic substances can have costly effects that are not always easy to prevent, detect, or solve. MORE
Economic Outlook for 2016 | Dr. Steve Meyer, EMI Analytics
“The price forecast might be bearish, but most producers will probably be in the black because cost of production is so low.” Some of the biggest impacts on pork prices will be increased packing capacity later this year and potentially lower exports due to the strength of the U.S. dollar in the global marketplace. MORE
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