Charley: Buchneri 40788 – The Quality Difference

Posted on December 4, 2012 in Forage Foundations
One simple principle makes Lactobacillus buchneri 40788 stand out against other bacterial forage inoculants. According to Bob Charley with Lallemand Animal Nutrition, that simple principle is a commitment to quality.
Buchneri 40788 is the only FDA-approved, research-patented bacteria known to improve aerobic stability of high moisture corn and forages. When used with proper crop management, Buchneri 40788 improves feedout and bunklife.
During his presentation at the Vita Plus Custom Harvester Meeting 2011, Charley pointed out that aerobic spoilage is very obvious when spots of mold appear on forages. However, he said sometimes it’s not so obvious. More often than not, only an infrared camera can detect temperature swings and the onset of aerobic spoilage.
Charley used the example of a feeder looking to save some time when he arrives at work in the morning. The feeder goes to the bunk, knocks down some feed and leaves it in a pile, ready to be used the following morning. What that feeder doesn’t realize is that, by exposing that feed to air, he vastly increased his chances for aerobic spoilage that could impact feed quality.
As Charley pointed out, these situations demonstrate the value of Crop-N-Rich Buchneri. This inoculant produces acetic acid and sometimes propionic acid, which both act as potent antifungal compounds. This results in reduced spoilage and heating at feedout. It has also been shown to increase the bunklife of the entire TMR.
Charley said that Crop-N-Rich Buchneri is the clear choice when upfront fermentation is not a major concern. However, if upfront fermentation is a concern, Charley recommends the use of Crop-N-Rich Stage 2. This inoculant combines Buchneri 40788 with Pediococcus pentosaceus. This aggressive bacterium immediately starts to produce large amounts of lactic acid when added to silage, resulting in a rapid decrease in silage pH and, thus, a preservation of silage dry matter.
According to Charley, P. pentosaceus limits the development of opportunistic bacteria. These are the bacteria that prey on plants already affected by other stressors, such as hail, rust, drought, etc. Limiting these bacteria results in better upfront fermentation.
Charley said developing high quality products for today’s harvesters and producers is “a bit of an obsession” for Lallemand. He said all products are tested four times for purity and consistency before they ever reach full-scale production. They also retain samples from each batch for validation and testing.
Charley quoted forage expert Dr. Limin Kung by reminding custom harvesters that “heat, moisture and oxygen are the three variables that can kill an inoculant.”
Thus, Lallemand works to protect against each of these variables. The products are heat-sealed with impermeable foil laminates, protecting against water and oxygen. Packages are also filled with nitrogen, an inert gas, to further protect the bacteria. Inoculants are shipped in cold packs to protect against high temperatures.
Charley said harvesters need to protect the inoculants when they reach the farm by keeping the products cool during harvest. Unopened packs should be kept in the refrigerator. Do not let a tank of mixed product set out in the sun during the day. Instead, keep it stored in a cool place when not in use. If you’ve already mixed the inoculant, but are unable to use it right away (due to weather or other unforeseen challenges), Charley said he recommends adding frozen water bottles to the solution. This will keep the bacteria viable without diluting the ULV applications.
Click here to learn more about Crop-N-Rich Buchneri and Crop-N-Rich Stage 2.
Check out this technical bulletin for more guidelines for mixing inoculants and cleaning applicators.

Category: Forage Foundations
Forage inoculants